Moana is an animated musical featuring Auli'i Cravalho and Dwayne Johnson telling the story about Maui, a Hawaiian demigod responsible for releasing terrible monsters into the real world and causing an environmental catastrophe. As well as a young girl named Moana heir to the chief of the dying island. She feels like it is her responsibility to provide her island with prosperity it once had. The film features songs written by Lin-Manuel Miranda who is also the director of Broadways Hamilton, so no wonder these tunes are so catchy and memorable! In my opinion, this film features the second real female protagonist in a Disney film, the first being Merida from Brave. The movie combines realistic textures with stylized designs to create an aesthetic beauty that has never been seen from Disney before. The movie will reawaken your childlike love for Disney. Both characters fit a very specific role in the movie; Maui being the realist blind hero and Moana being the stubborn heroine...