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Showing posts from May, 2021

Shoplifters of the World

  Shoplifters of the World is set in the mid-80s and highlights the reactions that a group of friends had to the band The Smiths breaking up in 1986.  Though this movie may not be based on exact true events it is a film that is based on true intentions which is an interesting take for me, as most films are either fictional or true stories, not a mix of both.  Shoplifters of the World is full of musical references from several different bands that were around in the 80s such as Twisted Sister, Alice Cooper and Kiss just to name a few.  Another thing to take note of, is the fact that the lines spoken by the main characters are often intertwined with the lyrics from songs by The Smiths.  As the main characters hear about The Smiths breaking up one of them plans to hold a final tribute for the best band in the world. Unfortunately, one of them isn't that smart and decides to hold a radio station up at gunpoint and demands that the DJ play The Smiths music all night...