of the Dead is a British zombie comedy film released in 2004, coincidently the same year as Dawn of the Dead, a
horror zombie movie. The plot of Shaun
of the Dead is of course filled with much more hilarity and amusing twists and
turns! This flick features a lot of sound effects to reinforce the sheer force that blunt weapons have on zombie skulls. As well, the special effects used in this 16-year-old
movie are excellent for that time. The movie doesn't waste its time showing a 20-minute expose explaining each character in detail, instead every character is explained within 5 minutes; not wasting any time on explaining an elaborate backstory. Despite not having detailed backstories for each character they are all fleshed out and relatable. The story follows a small group of acquaintances in the zombie apocalypse in the UK. Most of the film is spent gathering the whole crew and driving to the local bar as a potential safe haven from the apocalypse. The relationships between each character is shown, from Shauns' relationship with his step-father to the romantic relationship between Shaun and his ex-girlfriend Liz. The ending of the movie is a bit mundane as well as strange, but it is unexpected. Although the actors in the movie are unknown to
me, I am sure they are more popular in the UK and perhaps deserve a search on IMDb. If you want to watch other apocalypse films with a serious tone, there is Dawn of the Dead as mentioned above, as well as I Am Legend and Mad Max.
7 M&M'S in your popcorn out of 10
Speaking of Mad Max, the next film I will be reviewing will be Mad Max: Fury Road.
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