Scoob is an animated feature film showing the origin of Mystery Inc. The film starts out with a young Shaggy enjoying one of his awesome sandwich creations when an ownerless Scooby-Doo, escaping the local police, bolts towards Shaggy. Shaggy claims Scooby-Doo as his own dog, and this where the oddball friendship begins. The film then fast forwards to a teenaged Shaggy, Scooby, Velma, Daphne, and Fred looking for a sponsor to start their Mystery Inc business. The sponsor turns out to be Simon Cowell from American Idol that demands that Shaggy and Scooby are kicked out of Mystery Inc as they are not a vital piece of the team. The antagonist of the flick, Dick Dastardly attempts to capture Scooby numerous times to use him to summon the ghost of Cerberus to reunite with his long lost dog Muttley. The movie is chock-full of never-ending laughter that finalizes in one large classic Scooby-Doo fiasco in Athens. Each of the characters' voices is carefully handpicked and made sure the emotion of the characters is conveyed the way it is meant to be according to the script. Some noteworthy voices you may recognize include; Will Forte, Zac Efron, Mark Wahlberg, Tracy Morgan and Ken Jeong. With the mix of young and teenaged Mystery Inc storylines, you are truly shown character development and evolution in this family-friendly film.
8M&M'S in your popcorn out of 10
Next week I'll be reviewing Willy Wonka featuring Gene Wilder.
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