Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was released in June 1971. The story follows Charlie and his Grandpa Joe who have an adventure of a lifetime at Willy Wonka's world-renowned Chocolate Factory. After Wonka's factory was shut down for 20 years due to opposing candy companies wanting to steal his recipes he decides to reopen it. Wonka then holds a contest to find five golden tickets and let five lucky people into his factory for a grand tour. This contest was open worldwide and everyone had an equal chance of winning as long as they purchased a chocolate bar. All five winners were children from various parts of the US and Europe; each winner filled a stereotype of that state or country. Charlie wins the last golden ticket to gain access to Wonka's factory tour along with Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, Augustus Gloop and Mike Teavee. All of the kids except for Charlie begin experiencing weird side effects when consuming the unfinished Wonka candy. The group explores the wild and wacky wonders of the factory and all succumb to their greed for power. This film has a tiny bit of a musical section within it, as well as a subtle yet fascinating soundtrack to accompany it. Despite it being a film from the seventies it still has a large amount of special effects that are done extremely well.
8 M&M'S in your popcorn out of 10
Next up, the musical Hamilton, I've been wanting to watch this show live for a long time now and unfortunately COVID-19 struck, but now I can watch it in the comfort of my own home.
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